Top 10 tips for academic success
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
John Goepfrich, director of academic development and outreach, offers tips and tricks for students to be successful this school year.
1. Make use of the Learning Commons
Located in the Arnold Bernhard Library on the Mount Carmel Campus, the Learning Commons hold more than 60 peer tutors available to help students in various courses regardless of skill level. Peer tutors are qualified as they have received an A or A- in the course they are teaching and have been recommended by their professors. To make an appointment in the Learning Commons head to MyQ or call 203-582-8628.
2. Study in the Arnold Bernhard Library
Residence halls and other common areas can get noisy, if you need a quiet place to study, the Arnold Bernhard Library is the place to be. In addition to the quiet space, you have many resources at your fingertips like the Learning Commons, librarians and other students that may be in a course similar to you.
3. Utilize academic coaches and specialists
Academic coaches are available to every first-year student to help answer questions about academics and to point students in the right direction. Second-year students and above can reach out to an academic specialist to help out with strategies and management skills that will aid them in creating and achieving goals.
4. Collaborate with professors
Meeting with your professor is the best way to learn new information and keep up to date with class material. You can email your professors or attend office hours they hold throughout the semester which you can find out more about on the perspective course syllabus.
5. Read the syllabus carefully prior to your course
Check the syllabus and note important dates in a planner to help create a sense of awareness about what's going to be expected of you in class. Throughout the semester, you can check your planner to prepare for the week ahead and time manage how you will complete your work accordingly.
6. Space out your studying
It is helpful to start studying early and spread out the days you study rather than cramming all studying in the night before a quiz or test. You'll have more time to memorize information and experience less anxiety the day before a big test if you plan to do a little each day in feasible amounts.
7. Take breaks when you need it
Sometimes overstudying can do more harm than good. Make sure to prioritize your mental health in addition to your schoolwork. Go for a hike, take a walk, go to the gym, listen to music or meditate to create a harmonious balance between your academics and self-care.
8. Find your study preferences
Explore the many ways you can study. One method that works for others may not work for you and that’s OK, finding the most efficient study method for you may take some trial and error but pays off immensely once you see your progress.
9. Join or create a study group
Gather some classmates or friends taking the same course and study together. Some classes have peer fellows that run weekly study sessions. To check if your class has a weekly study session, reach out to your professor and they can point you in the right direction.
10. Persevere through challenges!
Remaining persistent is the best way to learn and accomplish something. Try another strategy if the first way isn't working and don’t give up on yourself. Patience is key and once you find your flow, you will be thankful for your dedication and determination.
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