Health Sciences dean welcomes newest Bobcats
August 01, 2022
By Dean Janelle Chiasera August 01, 2022
We have an incredible lineup of activities scheduled for Welcome Weekend to help introduce you to our campus on Aug 26 to 28 including you receiving a School of Health Sciences T-shirt – your first, and, hopefully not your last, school-themed T-shirt.
In addition to the fun activities throughout Welcome Weekend I want to personally invite you and your parents to Bobcat Weekend September 16 to 18.
To stay up-to-date on upcoming academic deadlines, holidays, and other campus events, please visit our calendar.
Like you, we had a busy summer full of energy and excitement as we hosted three unique summer camps that we encourage you can take part in organizing and delivering in the future.
Take a moment to read about one of them, Camp No Limits, in this issue of the Bobcat Bound newsletter.
See you soon and until then, be safe, be well, and go, Bobcats!
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