New one-credit Micro Course Initiative being offered for Fall 2022 semester
May 09, 2022
May 09, 2022
Most of the courses are seven, 50-minute meetings throughout the semester and are designed to be engaging, discussion-based or skills-driven.
“These courses allow DEI to be tied into a wide range of topics and majors and allow students interested to explore DEI in unique and interesting ways,” said Professor Keith Kerr.
The courses are listed below with a brief description.
MCI-100 - Negotiation for Success: This course focuses on learning how to negotiate, manage negotiations and understand when to best use negotiation.
MCI-101 - Health Aging & Intersectionality: This course explores the intersections between illness, aging and identity.
MCI-103 - Higher Ed. in Prison: This course focuses on the field of higher education in prison. Students will learn the history of these programs as well as the current landscape of the field while hearing from experts.
MCI-104 - Women Body Image/Social Media: Throughout this course, students will learn about the history of mass media and how it has both reflected and reshaped the perceived beauty of women's bodies. This course has a focus on the rise of social media and how it continues to play a role in women's conceptions of their own body image.
MCI-105 - Intro to Judaism: This course will explore and explain basic Judaism with its binding principles.
MCI-107 - The Case for Race: This one-credit course will explore race through the lenses of salient race-based legal decisions that guide how our society, its institutions and individuals regard, think, and act toward others daily. The cases to be discussed include Dred Scott vs. Sanford, Plessy vs. Ferguson and Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas.
MCI-110 - Race: A Dangerous Symbol: This course is intended to explore how the racial symbolic system plays itself out in the everyday world.
MCI-150 – Queering the Screen: LGBTQ+: This course will explore lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer characters in movies over the last 100 years and how these films reflect our understanding of sexuality and gender expression.
“MCI classes, at their core, are about being human, seeing the humanity in each person and seeing beyond labels that define each of us,” said Kerr.
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