Quinnipiac students donate four tons of food to the community

May 16, 2024

Marissa Roberge puts food in a "Be Kind LEave Your Food Behind" bin

Quinnipiac University student Marissa Roberge ’26 drops a donation in the bin in her residence hall on Thursday, May 9, during the annual “Be Kind Leave Your Food Behind” drive.

For the 16th year, Quinnipiac University asked students to “Be kind! Leave your food behind!”

Vincent Contrucci, director of community engagement at Quinnipiac, said the students were happy to donate their nonperishable food and extra meal plan points before leaving for the summer. University staff placed 163 collection boxes in residence halls on the Mount Carmel and York Hill campuses for the food drive.

The estimated four tons of food will help Master’s Manna of Wallingford, the New Haven Pride Center, New Reach of New Haven and QU’s Bobcat Food Share program.

“The food drive has had a tremendous impact on our community and illustrates the generosity of spirit of our student body and their desire to respond to the pressing needs of our community and country,” Contrucci said.

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