'Friend Animals' production explores rebellious dreams

In "Friend Animals," presented by Marella Martin Koch and directed by Timothy Koch, Quinnipiac students take the stage for their spring semester play, portraying three friends whose hidden desires challenge conventional norms.

Quinnipiac students dancing together smiling in the spring play

In the play Quinnipiac students pose from a photo at a prom

Students dancing in colorful lights

Quinnipiac students acting in spring play taking photos at prom

Students smiling with their arms crossed

One quinnipiac student holds a loaf of bread as others have their hand raised in Quinnipiac spring play

Student singing to the crowd

Quinnipiac students raising their hands in the air acting in the spring play

Quinnipiac student looking to the right with posters in the background

Quinnipiac students performing in spring play

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Sunday, October 20
Saturday, November 16

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