Dr. Jin is passionate about teaching, researching, and working with students. She has been involved in the local professional organizations (e.g., the VP of ASCM-New Haven), professional education (e.g., course development and delivery for healthcare and U.S. Coast Guards management teams), and scholarly roles (e.g., Editorial Review Board for Journal of Operations Management and Area Editor for Operations Management Research). She has been the faculty advisor for ASCM (Association for Supply Chain Management) Quinnipiac University Student Forum since the student organization was established in 2020.
She worked at Elizabeth City State University before joining Quinnipiac University. She has published papers on supply chain flexibility, information technology capability, manufacturer power, human capital, supplier resources, and supply chain network. Her papers appear in premier operations and supply chain management journals, such as International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, and Human Resource Management.
- MS, University of Toledo
- MS, University of Toledo
- PHD, University of Toledo
Areas of Expertise
- Operations Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Business Analytics
- Supply Chain Analytics
- Research Methods
- Management
Office Location
- Faculty Office Building 128
Mail Drop
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Proceedings
Unveiling the Private Enterprises’ Impact on China’s Economy and Business Implications
Godbout, Caroline and Jin, Y.
NBEA (Northeast Business and Economics Association) Annual Conference, Danbury, CT (2024)
Area Editor
Yan Jin
Operations Management Research
Yan Jin
Peer Reviewed Journal
Role of job satisfaction in microfinance institutions’ performance: considering performance appraisal, training and development
Ohene Afriyie, E., Jin, Y., Yakubu, M. and Awudu, I.
ahead-of-print International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management ahead-of-print ahead-of-print (2023)
Area Editor for Operations Management Research
Yan Jin
Peer Reviewed Presentations
A Systematic Review of the Application of Big Data Analytics in Healthcare
Ae-Sook Kim, Yan Jin
2022 APHA (American Public Health Association) Annual Conference, Boston, MA (2022)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Managerial capital in the supply chain: An antecedent to a superior firm performance
Yan Jin, Julia Fullick-Jagiela
Northeast DSI Annual Conference 2022, Newark, NJ (2022)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Engagement Fellows: Partnerships to Improve Learning and Support in Quantitative Courses
Julia Fullick-Jagiela, Nitish Paditar, Yan Jin
Northeast DSI Annual Conference 2022, Newark, NJ (2022)
Peer Reviewed Journal
Supplier-dedicated resources and flexibility roles in a manufacturer’s superior performance
Jin, Y., Norbis, M. and Awudu, I.
47(2) Journal of General Management 86-96 (2022)
Peer Reviewed Journal
Manufacturer power over suppliers: scale development and validation
Jin, Y., Smith, J.T.
32 (1) Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 199-218 (2021)