97% Employment Rate
Percentage of graduates in the Class of 2022 who are employed within four months of graduation.
Beginning with the foundational Introduction to Education class and fieldwork inside local classrooms, we work with candidates at each phase to help them decide which career path to follow. We offer numerous career planning and placement resources:
Mock interviews and team-simulated interviews with school principals and superintendents
Individual career advising and counseling sessions
University-sponsored teaching job fairs
Resume writing workshops with alumni and local administrators
Teacher certification nights for both in-state and out-of-state certification
Assistance with Praxis and other required certification exams
Assistance with Applitracks, a repository for job applications
Interview preparation sessions with area administrators
Assistance with certification documentation in Connecticut and out of state
Out-of-state certification booklets
“Bridge,” a mentoring program that helps graduates transition from student to professional teacher
Virtual technology and strategy boot camps for both graduating students and candidates starting their internships
Workshops in curriculum development and career preparation for future teachers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)
Praxis preparation workshops
Students have many opportunities to practice educational theory and classroom management skills in classrooms throughout central and southern Connecticut.
Our dual-degree (4+1) MAT candidates complete 80 hours of work in public school settings throughout their junior and senior years and spend their graduate year in one school where they complete an internship and student teach under the guidance of a veteran educator.
Graduate MAT teacher candidates gain practical experience during the fall and spring semesters, working as school employees or interns while attending evening courses. At the end of the second summer semester, these students are eligible to be hired as teachers of record with full pay and benefits. Students who are not hired may continue a student teaching experience during their personalized final semester.
Our Sixth-Year Diploma in Educational Leadership students complete 216 hours in an internship in a public school.
Avg. Salary: $59,670 / MAT Elementary Education
Our elementary school teachers instruct young students in basic subjects, such as reading, language arts, math, social studies and the sciences to prepare them for middle school.
Avg. Salary: $60,460 / MS in Special Education
Special education teachers work with students who have learning, mental, emotional or physical disabilities. They adapt general education lessons and teach various subjects to students with mild to moderate disabilities. They also teach basic skills to students with severe disabilities. Special education positions may require additional training and certifications.
Avg. Salary: $61,660 / MAT Secondary Education
High school teachers help prepare students for life after graduation. They teach academic lessons and various skills that students will need to attend college or to enter the job market.
Avg. Salary: $96,400 / 6th Year Diploma in Educational Leadership
Principals oversee all school operations, including daily school activities. They coordinate curriculums, manage staff, and provide a safe and productive learning environment for students.
Avg. Salary: $61,210 / MS Instructional Design and Technology
Training and development specialists plan and administer programs that improve the skills and knowledge of their employees.
Avg. Salary: $66,290 / MS Instructional Design and Technology
Instructional coordinators oversee school curriculums and teaching standards. They develop educational material, implement it with teachers and principals, and assess its effectiveness.
iQ, Quinnipiac University’s holistic approach to career development and experiential learning, surrounds every individual with a personalized plan that maximizes their time at Quinnipiac — the top-ranked university for getting a job after graduation.
Our Career and Experiential Learning Lab empowers students to explore new career paths and discover amazing internships and job opportunities. With the help of our career advisers, students will leverage Handshake's comprehensive suite of features to navigate the job market and design a career path that aligns with their interests and aspirations.
With an abundance of career-focused information and resources, the career advisers within the School of Education support students as they expand their professional networks and attract the attention of prestigious employers.
Learn More About Career Development
Find a Job or Internship on Handshake
Funding for Handshake is generously provided by Travelers
We provide our Dual-Degree (4+1) MAT students with several additional opportunities to immerse themselves in school-based activities and hone their teaching skills as early as their first year. Some of these include:
The Quinnipiac Future Teachers Organization (QFTO): QFTO is a student-run club that organizes events in public schools throughout Connecticut, including:
After-school tutoring for elementary & secondary students
After-school programs that blend academics, nutrition & fitness
Holiday fundraisers & other special events
Stem Nights for local elementary students
Peer mentoring for first year & sophomore candidates
Leadership training & participation in the Connecticut Education Association
Teacher Leadership Conferences Study Abroad/International Travel: Dual-Degree (4+1) MAT students may travel or study abroad in their sophomore or junior years. Students who go overseas in their junior year:
Take coursework online
Have the option to complete fieldwork in an overseas country
Have the option to take faculty-led credit courses that include study abroad
Our Alumni Bridge/Mentor Support Program matches recent graduates with experienced alumni volunteers to serve as resources and guides through their first years of teaching. The program has three specific goals:
to support our alumni who are first- or second-year teachers
to build a lifelong and continuing support of our teachers in the field
to affect the declining percentages related to new teacher retention
Our roster of mentors is comprised of current teachers with anywhere from two to ten years of experience in the field. As our graduates navigate through their first and second years in the classroom, these mentors will serve as resources and sounding boards to share concerns and problems, successes and ideas.
If you are a first- or second-year teacher and would like to meet with an alumni mentor, please email schoolofeducationinfo@qu.edu. Include your grade level, subject area and the state where you are teaching and will connect you to an alumni mentor.
If you would like to serve as an alumni mentor, please email tracy.carim@qu.edu and provide your year of graduation, area of expertise (grade level and subject area) and state where you are teaching.
If you have already volunteered to assist with writing cover letters and resumes or with certification for out-of-state candidates, you do not have to send your information unless you want to be removed from the mentor bank list.
Beacon Falls
Fair Haven
New Haven
North Branford
In addition to the numerous long-standing partnerships we have with area school districts, we have special professional development relationships with Side by Side Charter School in Norwalk and the Metropolitan Business Academy and Fair Haven School in New Haven.
These partnerships enhance new teacher preparation, strengthen faculty development opportunities, facilitate inquiry directed at the improvement of practice and enhance student achievement. The partnerships offer candidates the opportunity to experience the complexity and challenges of urban school settings.
Our alumni are busy shaping young minds, improving educational outcomes and advancing curriculums in school districts across the country. Quinnipiac graduates pursue diverse and rewarding careers as teachers, principals, administrators and special educators. We often bring them back as part time professors in our program. States where recent MAT graduates have obtained teaching jobs include:
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
Rhode Island
We’re always here to help provide additional information and answer any questions you may have.
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