Quinnipiac University

BS in Industrial Engineering and Certificate in Engineering Management Double-Degree BS in Industrial Engineering and Health Science Studies

Industrial engineering is a diverse discipline that includes healthcare as one of the major focus areas of interest. Health Sciences and Industrial Engineering as a double-major enables students to learn concepts and gain experience in both science and engineering of health systems.

Program Overview

Become a strong member in the health care system

Industrial engineers are employed throughout various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare and service, to determine the most effective and efficient ways to utilize resources. This double-degree program enables students to be able to apply their health systems engineering knowledge along with the health science knowledge for a better working health system.

Industrial engineers are concerned with increasing productivity through the effective management of people, processes and technology. Through exposure to the University Curriculum, foundational coursework in science, mathematics, major field courses and extracurricular activities, students graduating with a BS in Industrial Engineering and a BS in Health Science Studies achieve intellectual proficiencies in critical thinking and reasoning, scientific literacy, quantitative reasoning, information fluency, creative thinking and visual literacy. 

Learn more about the individual programs